
Science-based articles

Positive psychology articles related to the human body and brain. Which positive psychology theories and interventions can help us to improve physical and mental well-being?


24 Best Self-Soothing Techniques and Strategies for Adults

Self-soothing is an emotional regulation strategy used to regain equilibrium after an upsetting event. Most of us are familiar with soothing others when they are [...]

Emotional Development Activities

16 Activities to Stimulate Emotional Development in Children

All kids are good kids. All feelings are okay; however, all behaviors are not. It is true that all children are inherently good. No longer [...]

ACT Techniques

ACT Therapy Techniques: 14+ Interventions for Your Sessions

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is one of the third wave of mindfulness-based cognitive-behavioral therapies and has accumulated a huge scientific evidence base demonstrating its [...]

Positive Psychology at Work

Applying Positive Psychology at Work: Your Ultimate Guide

In 1998, positive organizational psychology at work gained legitimacy when the father of the movement, Martin Seligman, chose it as the theme for his term [...]

Cognitive development activities

How to Promote Cognitive Development: 23 Activities & Games

While reading, writing, and mathematics are important, developing cognitive skills is indispensable for lifelong learning. It is imperative that children reach their full cognitive potential, [...]

Fight or flight response

The Fight-or-Flight Response: Everything You Need to Know

Our fight-or-flight response has been shaped by millions of years of evolution over countless generations. It served us well for most of that time, readying [...]

Grounding tools tecniques

7 Best Grounding Tools and Techniques to Manage Anxiety

Sweaty palms, racing heart, and erratic thoughts – feeling anxious can be debilitating and overwhelming. Once we recognize the experience and when it happens, we [...]

Breathing exercises

12+ Breathing Exercises for Managing Anxiety (Incl. PDF)

Breathing is more than a physical requirement to live. It is also foundational to spiritual, mental, and emotional aspects of life. Hindus call it prana, [...]

Growth mindset kids

How to Nurture a Growth Mindset in Kids: 8 Best Activities

Success. Abundance. Prosperity. Intelligence. Talent. Skill. These are all potential products of a growth mindset. Why is it important to foster this mindset in children? [...]

Stress Relief Books

13 Stress-Relief Books About the Science of Managing Anxiety

Managing anxiety and stress can be a daunting task, especially for those who do not have the skills or knowledge to understand where these emotional [...]