
Happiness & SWB

Interesting articles about happiness as a branch of positive psychology, as well as important research findings about happiness and subjective wellbeing.

Kintsugi Lifestyle

The Wabi Sabi Lifestyle: How to Accept Imperfection in Life

Wabi sabi and kintsugi have their historical origins in the aesthetics of the Japanese tea ceremony that upholds the Zen Buddhist values of purity, harmony, [...]

Psychological wellbeing

The Ryff Scales of Psychological Wellbeing: Your HowTo Guide

For years, researchers have pondered the factors that influence how people make judgments about their wellbeing. However, until the late ‘80s, much of what we [...]

Authenticity Assessments

Authenticity Coaching: 13 Assessments, Scales, & Worksheets

Authenticity is being true to ourselves and living according to our beliefs and values; it is vital to our mental wellbeing. Additionally, authenticity is widely [...]

What are life domains

What Are Life Domains & How Can We Balance Them?

Juggling is a mind-boggling skill, and for me to juggle just 3 balls requires all of my attention, never mind juggling 6 torches, 10 balls, [...]

Social wellbeing

What Is Social Wellbeing? 12+ Activities for Social Wellness

We know humans are social beings. Yet, when thinking about wellbeing, we think more about our individual wellbeing, in terms of how good we feel, [...]

Work life balance

Work-Life Balance in Psychology: 12 Examples and Theories

We exist in multiple domains throughout our lives. We might be a professional, a parent, a partner, a sports person, a community member, a friend, [...]

Authenticity Books

18 Psychology Books on Authenticity & Being Your True Self

Authenticity is not about taking the soft option; it involves openness and honesty with ourselves and others. And living authentically does not mean existing without [...]

Authentic Living: How to Be Real According to Psychology

For the existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, authenticity was fundamental to the notion of freedom and living a meaningful life (Ang, 2019). Authentic living requires us [...]

Mental Wellbeing

What Is Mental Wellbeing? A Psychologist Explains

Have you ever noticed how everything seems manageable when you’re in a good mood? Or how a problem doesn’t seem so serious after you’ve woken [...]

Fear of happiness

What Is Cherophobia? How to Overcome a Fear of Happiness

Broadly speaking, happiness and wellbeing are thought to be essential components for a successful and fulfilling life. In fact, in 2012, the United Nations proclaimed [...]

3 Positive Psychology Tools (PDF)