
Science-based articles

Positive psychology articles related to the human body and brain. Which positive psychology theories and interventions can help us to improve physical and mental well-being?

positive emotions

The Pursuit of Happiness: Using the Power of Positive Emotions

Happiness is such a central concept in life that not many people pause to consider what happiness is and why we strive so tirelessly to [...]


10 Traits That Make a Positive Community

What makes a positive community? Before answering that question, let’s zoom out a little bit. Humans are made to live and work with others in [...]

positive psychology certificates

13 Top Positive Psychology Degrees & Master’s Programs

The science supporting positive psychology has sparked a huge increase in degree programs. It makes sense: when we understand the “why” of positive human functioning, [...]

Positive Psychology Theory

Positive Psychology Theory in a Nutshell

Positive psychology complements traditional psychology’s focus on pathology. It studies strengths, virtues, and the factors that contribute to a full and meaningful life. “Probably the biggest [...]

56 Free Positive Psychology PDF Handouts

Positive psychology didn’t just appear. Even over 2,000 years ago, Greek philosophers were pondering how “the good life” might look. And while many others have [...]

Resilience Willpower

What Is Willpower? The Psychology Behind Self-Control

In 2011, 27% of the respondents of the Stress in America survey reported a lack of willpower as the greatest obstacle to change. We rely [...]

Positive Psychology: An Introduction (Summary + PDF)

One of the foundational articles in the field of positive psychology is “Positive Psychology. An Introduction,” written by Martin Seligman and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (2000). “Psychology [...]

happiness tests and surveys

10 Positive Psychology Surveys, Measures, and Questionnaires

To advance the field of positive psychology, scholars and practitioners need to gather evidence on internal experiences that are fundamental to our individual and collective [...]

Positive Psychology Examples: 5 Ways to Put it Into Practice

Positive psychology is the scientific study of positive experiences, states, and traits. It grew as a field after the realization that psychology focused largely on dysfunctional and [...]

martin seligman

Who Is Martin Seligman and What Does He Do?

If you were wondering who is Martin Seligman, you will find the answer here. Martin Seligman is called the “father of positive psychology” is known [...]